OK failed miserably on Euro update yesterday, sorry.. it ended well folks. Down enough to get some bed linen too. Angela and Nicolas are papering over the canyon like cracks in the Euro crisis... "oh those naughty Greek people are having some lovely lovely chats it'll be fine..." meanwhile Portugal is teetering like great Uncle Will in the receiving line at a wedding having been on the sherry since breakfast. In my head I see poor Angela Merkel playing with one of those children's toys where you have a big rubber mallet and things pop up that you have to bat down as quickly as possible... they are popping up faster than the poor love can wield that yellow blue and red mallet and there's only so much action that particular 24 hour girdle can cope with even if it has been engineered specifically by BMW.
Pivotal day for Le Monteil renovations, will Mme Mayor let us repair the roof without three months of planning permission...amongs the new skills I am learning through our French voyage is patience. The liberation of knowing the world doesnt come to an end if something doesnt happen this moment, this instant and certainly not by lunchtime. The calm and serenity is amazing AND it lets you focus on other things rather than obsess on the thing you think has to be done Now. Here. Immediately. It also makes me less ranty....
I just love the image you have set up in my head of Mrs Merkel, I think this will always stay with me.